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Me'lanie Talent ~
The Dream Team of Specialty Talent
If this form does not work properly please send an email (as specified) for BOOKING INQUIRIES to:
melanietalentofficial @ (no spaces) and/or message us on social media.
BOOKING Subject line: "Inquiry for {role/service desired} on {date} @ {event/place}"
Please include as many details as possible, including:
Who you are? (Your name and position/role in the event).
What company/whom is hiring and for what event?
When? (Day of week, Month/Date/Year, Hours start/end).
Where? (City, state, zip code and Venue if applicable).
Inquiring about? (Type of gig/role/service/talent interested in).
Special details/requests?
Note~ To Contact us to Submit yourself or other inquiries please use our CONTACT page.
Thank you!
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